Batik Runway Industry Search
Use your imagination as you paint different batik fabrics, with the group that finishes first getting extra points. Divide into groups to brainstorm ideas on how to make your own painted batik works standout even more. The task looks simple, but it requires concentration, imagination, creativity and passion. This batik design activity is a well-intentioned strategy aimed at helping outsiders to dress appropriately according to the traditions of the Muslim community.
Create product marketing plans for the community
Brainstorm your thoughts and ideas in order to come up with some creative marketing strategies to help boost the sales of the products sold in the community. This can include designing new packaging, creating heightened brand awareness and formulating any other marketing plans that the community can implement.
Crab and squid fishing activity (Seasonal)
– Crab trawl collecting: Designate a group representative to go on board the boat with Lone island fishermen to collect crab trawls that another group’s representative had previously set and left behind.
– Squid fishing/gathering the local way (according to water rising-lowering)